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About Us

Objectives of DIC :

The core purpose for the functioning of DIC is to render support with all the necessary financial and organisational activities and flourish the MSMEs. The objectives include, To spot the new and potential entrepreneurs and render assistance for them to kick start their ventures.
he District Industries Centre (DIC) program was launched by the Central Government in 1978 to promote small, cottage, and village industries. The DIC's vision and mission are to:
Promote industrialization: Accelerate industrialization, support rural industries, and promote economic equality
Provide services: Provide entrepreneurs with services and facilities, such as guidance, training, and assistance with financing and approvals
Streamline procedures: Help entrepreneurs access government schemes by streamlining procedures
The DIC's main activities include:
* Identifying potential entrepreneurs
* Matching entrepreneurs with viable projects
* Granting entrepreneurs memorandum parts
* Preparing project reports for MSMEs
* Forwarding loan proposals to financial institutions
* Extending R&D facilities to entrepreneurs